*This post is directed towards non-patreon supporters. All material in this treasure box has already been released to patrons via posts, with exception of 🐍 Gorgon Guard 🐍 art which is coming soon!
The Castle Guard Treasure Box contains over 60 images and features each member of the Castle Guard. Yes ALL of them! We've taken each of the guard's splash art images, totaling $80 value, and combined them into one jam packed Treasure Box for only $20!!
While every Castle Guard will have an image to unlock in-game once Gallery-Mode is up and running, we cannot put every version of their splash art in-game. So, if you enjoy the artwork of Faulty Apprentice, you don't to want to miss this deal!
Castle Guard Treasure Box contains NSFW material:
Bunny Guard vs. Sleep Spiders image set
Cinder Guard Flames image set
Doll Guard Drawings image set
Fawn Guard Findings image set
First Guard Awakening image set
Fox Guard Bushing image set
Ghost Guard Beads image set
Gorgon Guard Sculpting image set
Goth Guard Keys image set
Marine Guard Beer image set
Orc Guard Proud image set
Ram Guard Sleeping In image set
Shark Guard Fishing image set
Slime Guard Seduction image set
Thunder Guard Dreams of Flight image set
Unicorn Guard Happy & Magical image
Wolf Guard Bone image set
Again, the Castle Guard Treasure Box contains over 60 images and features each member of the Castle Guard.
We've taken all the guard's splash art images, totaling $80 value if you buy them individually, and combined them into one jam packed Treasure Box for only $20!